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Protecting Nursing Home Workers and Residents from COVID-19

This self-paced online course is for frontline nursing home workers who want more training and information on managing COVID-19 in nursing home facilities. Key topics are divided into 4 separate modules covering: COVID-19 basics; infection control, universal precautions, and use of PPEs; self-care and mental health; and assisting residents with hygiene and daily activities as well as engaging in other activities while social distancing. Each module will take learners about one hour to complete. Modules will include real-world scenarios to help learners check their understanding of how to apply key concepts from the course. 


These training resources were developed with the generous support of a COVID-19 emergency response grant from the JPMC Foundation.

Module 1:    COVID-19 Basics and Recognizing COVID-19 in Residents

In this module, you will learn a brief history of COVID-19 in the United States, how the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is spread, symptoms of the disease, and a plan for preventing the spread of COVID-19 to others.


CDC's Self Checker

Cleaning and Disinfection for Households

Module 2:    COVID-19 Infection Control, Universal Precautions, and Use of PPE

In this module, you will review universal standard precautions, infection control policies, and the uses of personal protective equipment (PPE). You will explore techniques to reduce the risk of spreading infection within the nursing home facility.


EPA's Disinfectants for Use Against COVID-19

Module 4:    Resident Hygiene, ADLs, and Social Distancing During COVID-19

In this module, you will learn how to teach your residents social distancing policies and proper hygiene. You will learn strategies to redirect residents who ask for physical contact. Finally, you will learn how technology can facilitate human communication during times when physical visits are not possible.


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services -


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(510) 207-1736

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New York, NY 10018

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New York, NY 10001

We build the workforce for quality care through workforce development, training resources, and partnering for patients and communities.

Select photos by Jim Tynan,
1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East - © 2020 H-CAP, Inc. | All rights reserved.

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